World Bank Public Opinion Survey

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* 1. what type of business does your company conduct?

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* 2. what yearly earnings or investment capital category would you put your company in?

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* 3. does your company currently engage in international trade or business directly or provide services to international trade or business companies?

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* 4. have you traveled internationally in the past year for business in one or more of the following regions?

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* 5. how would you describe your company? (choose all that apply)

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* 6. how long has your company been in existence?

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* 7. do you think small & mid-sized companies (SME's) are underrepresented during bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade negotiations?

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* 8. does your company find it difficult to obtain travel visas or regularly face burdensome obstacles in order to travel for business purposes outside of the United States?

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* 9. is a lack of internet access or online capabilities currently hampering your company’s ability to engage in global e-commerce?

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* 10. how important is access to outside credit and capital from banking and lending institutions to the overall success of your company?

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* 11. how familiar are you with the services global institutions like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and International Finance Corp, provides to private sector companies like yours?

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* 12. in your opinion do global institutions such as the World Bank; International Monetary Fund; and International Finance Corp provide enough assistance to help small and mid-sized companies (SME's) grow into the global economy?

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* 13. in your opinion do world governments provide enough assistance to help small and mid-sized companies (SME's) grow into the global economy?

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* 14. if your company "is not" currently engaged in global commerce or "is marginally" involved in global commerce, what business tools if available would encourage you to increase your participation in global commerce? (choose all that apply)

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* 15. what region of the world do you find “most” attractive for business development opportunity?

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* 16. given the opportunity would you be willing to participate in a global "SME" focused forum at the World Bank in Washington, DC to engage in high level discussions about the following (private equity and hedge fund investing into SME's; World Bank/IMF/IFC avenues to provide support to SME's; business to business match-making)