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Girl Scouts Early Bird Coping Skills Program Survey

Get ready to take action, Girl Scout Superstar! We need your help to make the Early Bird Coping Skills Program even better. Your thoughts and feelings are super important, and this is your chance to share them. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers – just your honest opinions. Thank you for being awesome and joining us on this exciting journey! 🌟

Question Title

* 1. 1. Let's start with some basics. Are you in:

Question Title

* 2. How many coping skills stickers are on your water bottle?

Question Title

* 3. 1. Before you started using the Coping Skills Kit, did you know that the following skills helped you be a better you?

  Yes, I knew! I kind of knew No, I didn't know
Breathing exercises
Participated in exercise
Created artwork
Read a book
Played a game
Did yoga and stretches
Played music
Watched a funny video
Learned positive self-talk
Asked for help
Created a "calm down" kit
Engaged in problem-solving

Question Title

* 4. 1. Please pick the box that matches how you feel about the Coping Skills Program:

  Nope So-so Yes!
The Coping Skills Kit helped me be a better me
I feel confident using the skill(s) I learned
I think my friends would like this program

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* 5. 1. Do you feel like you know what to do when something makes you feel sad or upset?

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* 6. 1. Do you feel like you can ask for help if something is bothering you?

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* 7. 1. If your friend needed help, would you share any of the skills you learned?

Awesome job sharing your thoughts! Your feedback is like magic that helps us make the Girl Scouts Coping Skills Program even more fantastic! 🚀*
0 of 7 answered