Why am I being asked to complete this survey?
The Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) is surveying Native young people across the country to find out what resources you need to address important issues affecting your community. This survey also gives you the option to stay connected with CNAY for future opportunities to share your story and perspective as a Native youth. We will share what we learn from this survey so you can use the information to help educate others, fundraise for projects, and advocate for youth in your community. 
Who can take this survey?
This survey is for Native youth under the age of 25 years old. If you are under 18 years old, your parent or guardian must give permission for you to complete this survey by typing their name in a box on the next page.

Who can see my answers?
Everything you tell us in Part 1 of this survey will remain anonymous. We will ask questions about resources you or other youth in your community need in order to address challenges you may be facing. 

Part 2 of this survey is not anonymous. Part 2 asks for your name, contact information, and what issues you’re most passionate about. You must fill out Part 2 if you would like to:

-   be eligible for a chance to share your story through a CNAY event or other opportunity; and/or
-   be eligible to receive a prize for completing this survey. (Prizes include CNAY swag, N7 athletic gear, and other fun items.)
Note: If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must also give permission for us to contact you on the last page (Part 2). 

How long will it take me to complete the survey?
We appreciate your time and value your input. We expect this survey will take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.
What if I have questions?
For more information on this survey, including why we’re asking these questions, what happens after you fill the survey out, and how we’ll share what we learn from this survey, click here. You can also contact CNAY at cnayinfo@aspeninst.org

Question Title

* 1. I understand that my participation in this survey is voluntary, and that I must complete both Part 1 and Part 2 in order to be eligible to receive a prize for my participation.