Granby Garrett Lot & Wayfinding Designs Community Survey

Please share your thoughts and preferences regarding the Garrett Lot and Wayfinding Designs below. Your feedback will be incorporated into the final designs for these two important Downtown Granby improvements!
The Garrett Lot Design
1.How would you rate your overall approval of the Garrett Lot Design?
I love it!
There are more things I LIKE about it than I don't like about it
I don't have strong feelings about it either way
There are more things I DON'T LIKE about it than I like about it
I don't like anything about it
I'm not sure what I think about it
My overall approval ranking for the Garrett Lot design
2.Anything else you would like to share or want us to know about the Garrett Lot Design? Share your thoughts and ideas here!
Wayfinding Designs
3.How would you rate your overall approval of the Wayfinding Designs?
I love it!
There are more things I LIKE about it than I don't like about it
I don't have strong feelings about it either way
There are more things I DON'T LIKE about it than I like about it
I don't like anything about it
I'm not sure what I think about it
My overall approval ranking for the Wayfnding Designs
4.Anything else you would like to share or want us to know about the Wayfinding Designs? Share your thoughts and ideas here!