We need your opinion! We want to continue to improve your experience with the revamped project properties pages in Visual Studio 2022.

We have received feedback from our developer community that the new property pages can feel cluttered and have lots of text to scroll through. So we want your feedback: Do you prefer all property descriptions visible at all times? If there were a way to hide them to de-clutter the UI, would you?

Below are screenshots of example Project Properties UI with each treatment. Scroll down for a side-by-side comparison.

Question Title

Properties with description text visible (Current UI)

Properties with description text visible (Current UI)

Question Title

Properties without description text (Proposed UI)

Properties without description text (Proposed UI)

Question Title

Side by side comparison

Side by side comparison
Please note that in the proposed UI the property descriptions would still be visible upon mouseover on an info-tip icon adjacent to the property label. The option to toggle on all descriptions would also remain available. Property documentation access would remain the same.

Question Title

* 1. I would prefer property descriptions to be

Question Title

* 2. What kind of developer are you?

Question Title

* 3. Please share any other comments you have below: