'Roots of Resilience' Tree Planting Location Survey

'Roots of Resilience' Community Tree Planting

The 'Roots of Resilience' Tree planting initiative recently won a microgrant furnished by the NextDoor Kind Foundation. The Initiative aims to build community cohesion through strong roots & and the ability to be resilient. By harnessing the power of community and tree-planting, we are building a stronger, more inclusive community for generations to come.

We are currently working with the Master Gardeners of Santa Monica, The People Concern, Disability Community Resource Center and SM Human Relations Council to grow this grassroots initiative.
1.What considerations are important to you for choosing a location to plant a community tree? Select all that apply.
2.Where do you consider suitable for planting the tree? Select all that apply
3.Please suggest any specific locations where you think the community tree should be planted?
4.What other thoughts or feelings do you have about this initiative?