Expected Standard of Conduct

Game and Conduct Objectives

These procedures have been implemented by SW Hockey in order to establish a process that assists members with understanding expectations relating to conduct on and off the ice; in order to allow members to participate in various activities and positions within the Association in a respectful environment that is free from harassment, bullying and abuse, and abide by the following ideals:

  • Respect - For ALL persons.
  • Approachable - Listening to the concerns of others, in response to their needs.
  • Accountable - Being responsible for our own decisions and actions.
  • Collaborative - Build mutually beneficial relationships towards a common goal.
  • Consistency - Being open and consistent in the interpretation and application of rules and policies.
  • Communications - Getting the right message, to the right people, at the right time, in the right way.

Failure to comply with the Standard of Conduct and Game and Conduct Objectives may result in disciplinary actions in accordance with the SW Hockey Policies and Procedures, or those Rules and Regulations set forth by Hockey Calgary, Hockey Alberta, or Hockey Canada; as required.

Such disciplines may include the member losing privileges that come with a SW Hockey membership, up to and including suspension or possible removal from the Southwest Hockey Association