Family Engagement Survey Summer 2024

Survey of the First Presbyterian Church (FPC) of Anchorage Christian Education committee to identify areas of potential growth and barriers to family engagement.

This survey is intended for anyone in the FPC community who might bring children to activities at or organized by the church.

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* 1. How often do you personally attend church services or activities in person?

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* 2. How old are your children or any children you might bring with you to church or church activities? Choose all that apply.

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* 3. Do you now bring children with you when you attend church services or activities?

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* 4. Below are some reasons people are engaged in a faith community. Select up to five to indicate which are the most important to you and your family (think not just about FPC, but any other church community you have been a part of in the past.) Please answer even if you don't currently bring children with you to church.

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* 5. What keeps you or your children from church? Choose all that apply.

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* 6. The last few questions are specifically about ways that FPC tries to engage children, youth, and families.

Thinking about the current practice at First Presbyterian, where grade school children leave the service for Godly Play ("Sunday school") about 20-25 minutes into the service, please tell us how you feel.

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* 7. Please indicate which of the following regular activities are very important for you and your family. Select all that apply.

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* 8. What other types of activities or offerings might encourage your family to become more involved at First Presbyterian?

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* 9. What is the best method to keep you informed about what is happening at FPC?