Annual Meeting 2020: Call for Symposia

Please complete this form if you have an organized symposium that you would like to submit to the AMCA Program Committee for consideration.

Please make sure you understand the following requirements and can assume the following responsibilities before you submit a symposium.

Requirements for invited symposia:
• Must be on a specific topic.
• Must be of interest to a significant portion of the AMCA membership.
• Must be a minimum of 90 minutes long and a maximum of 180 minutes long. (Special permission for a longer symposium may be granted depending on the topic)
• Speakers should already have agreed to participate. (This ensures that the symposium is actually ready to take place, as opposed to suggesting a topic and trying to find speakers after the fact.) All speakers are responsible for covering their own expenses, including travel and registration costs.

Responsibilities of an invited symposium organizer:
• After approval, relay instructions to speakers on how to submit their abstracts or submit all of the abstracts him/herself.
• Follow up with speakers as needed and communicate with speakers leading up to the meeting to prepare them for participation.
• Ensure that all speakers submit a PowerPoint presentation by the posted deadline.
• Ensure your symposium participants know how much time they are allotted and tell them to practice their talks to avoid exceeding allotted time
• Moderate the symposium onsite and KEEP SPEAKERS ON TIME (or identify a moderator to take on this role).

The submission deadline for the Call for Symposia has been extended to July 31, 2019.

Question Title

* 1. Symposium Organizer Contact Information:

Question Title

* 2. Symposium Title:

Question Title

* 3. Symposium Description:

Question Title

* 4. Symposia Session Time Length:

Question Title

* 5. On each row, enter one talk title, the speaker and the talk length. Total time must be a minimum of 90 minutes and a maximum of 180 minutes! Speakers must already have agreed to participate!

1. Mosquito control is important, John Doe, 20 minutes
2. All about pesticides, Jane Doe, 25 minutes

Question Title

* 6. Please enter any additional information or any questions here.

The AMCA Program Chair will be in touch with you once the committee reviews your proposed symposium. Please click "Done" below to submit.