Exit G-RAF 2023 Welcome to the Glasgow Real Ale Festival here at the Briggait. We hope you have enjoyed the festival the team has put on. Please can we have a few minutes of your time; to take some valuable feedback on your experience of the festival. Question Title * 1. Which day did you attend ? Thursday Friday Saturday Question Title * 2. What is your favourite beer style? Pale mild Dark mild Scottish 60 shilling/Scottish light Bitter (session) Bitter (premium) Pale ale (British and new world) Blonds/Golden (British and new world) IPA (British) IPA (New world US etc.) Black IPA Brown ale Red ale American brown Strong mild Stout (dry) Stout (oyster) Stout (oatmeal) Stout (milk) Strong stout Imperial stout Barley wine Scottish 80 shilling German pilsner Czech pilsner Marzen Dark lager Kölsch Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What is your second favourite beer style? Pale mild Dark mild Scottish 60 shilling/Scottish light Bitter (session) Bitter (premium) Pale ale (British and new world) Blonds/Golden (British and new world) IPA (British) IPA (New world US etc.) Black IPA Brown ale Red ale American brown Strong mild Stout (dry) Stout (oyster) Stout (oatmeal) Stout (milk) Strong stout Imperial stout Barley wine Scottish 80 shilling German pilsner Czech pilsner Marzen Dark lager Kölsch Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What is your third favourite beer style? Pale mild Dark mild Scottish 60 shilling/Scottish light Bitter (session) Bitter (premium) Pale ale (British and new world) Blonds/Golden (British and new world) IPA (British) IPA (New world US etc.) Black IPA Brown ale Red ale American brown Strong mild Stout (dry) Stout (oyster) Stout (oatmeal) Stout (milk) Strong stout Imperial stout Barley wine Scottish 80 shilling German pilsner Czech pilsner Marzen Dark lager Kölsch Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How did you hear about G-RAF? Twitter Facebook Instagram Camra website Poster Word of mouth Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Which beer styles did you try today? Bitter Pale ale IPA (British) IPA (New world) IPA (black) Mild Scottish 80 shilling Scottish 60 shilling Barrel aged strong ale Stout Porter Strong stout Brown ale Red ale Barley wine Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Please rate the food available today 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Star Question Title * 8. What drew you to the festival? Beer selection, Gin & Wine bar, food etc. Question Title * 9. Finally; what can we do next time to improve your experience at the festival? Done