How useful are technology marketing surveys? We want to know.

This quick, 10-question survey was specifically designed to help digital marketers answer their questions about survey-based campaigns. How are they being used by other marketers today, and what challenges or benefits are being realized? Please answer to the best of your knowledge and ability to make the results of this study useful to all.

Privacy note: Your results will remain anonymous. No further enrollment or obligation to receive emails from blueFug Ventures, or any third party, will occur.

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* 1. How large is your business?

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* 2. Have you conducted surveys in the past? How many would you run in a year? (Select one.)

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* 3. What types of outcomes are you trying to support with a survey? (Check up to 3 preferred methods)

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* 4. How do you typically invite people to take your survey? (Check up to 3 preferred methods)

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* 5. What incentives do you offer people for taking the survey? (Check any that apply)

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* 6. What challenges, if any, have you encountered with surveys you’ve been a part of developing?

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* 9. Any other specific benefits you've realized, or problems you've encountered with surveys? (Optional - tell us)