Nomination Procedures

CPED Dissertation of the YEAR

Application Requirements (Nomination must be Submitted to Carol Pfoff by Jan 29, 2016 5pm.

1) Letter of nomination and support from CPED Chair to the EAF Chair’s Advisory Council

2) 15 double-spaced page redacted (i.e. no personal identifiers) synopsis of the study. To include the following as applicable:

• Statement of alignment with CPED working principles (one page);

• Full CPED Dissertation title;

• Statement of the study’s identified problem of practice;

• Research questions, if applicable;

• Theoretical or conceptual underpinnings that situate the problem in both the scholarly and in the practice contexts;

• Methods – research design/approach, sampling, data collection procedures or data sources used, and data analysis;

• Summary of key findings

• Determined impact on practice such as:

-What generative impact will this work have on practice, policy, and/or future research?

-What impact does this work have on the future work and agendas of the scholar practitioner?

-How does this work demonstrate the scholarly practitioner’s ability to solve or contribute to the solution of problems of practice?

-What, if any, action pieces have been generated?

Review Process

The EAF Chair’s Advisory Council will (1) evaluate the submitted study synopsis based upon criteria listed below:

• Identifies a researchable, complex problem of practice.

• Demonstrates use of rigorous & appropriate inquiry to address identified complex problem of practice.

• Demonstrates potential for positive impact on the identified complex problem of practice.

• Demonstrates the integration of theory and practice to advance professional knowledge & impact the field.

• Demonstrates the scholarly practitioner’s ability to act ethically and with integrity

• Demonstrates the scholarly practitioner’s ability to communicate effectively to an appropriate audience to advance professional knowledge and impact the field.

***The CPED Dissertation of the Year winner must attend EAF on the Red Carpet, the department’s annual GALA on April 9, 2016 at the Double Tree Hotel.

Question Title

* 1. I nominate the following dissertation Title for this award (No names, please)