This short survey asks about new ways the people of St. Dunstan's might like to gather together. 

Question Title

* 1. Below you will find a list of events or gatherings that could become part of our community life as the congregation of St. Dunstan's. On a scale from 1 (not at all interested) to 5 (very interested), please rate your level of interest in each possibility. A rating of 1 means, "No interest." A rating of 5 means, "I would definitely make time to participate in that!"

  1-Not interested 2 3 4 7-Very interested
Weekday Bible study at the church
Outdoor “worship in the woods” 
Weekday Bible study at a coffeeshop
A group that meets regularly outside of church for meals & conversation
Weekend service project opportunities - perhaps two hours once a month
A weeknight Eucharist with dinner
A weekday service in the early evening, after work, once a week
A service with a focus on healing
A short, child-friendly service on a Saturday morning
A weekday service in the morning, before work, once a week
Resources for home use, perhaps with a “virtual community” aspect by way of Facebook, email, or a website
Small prayer or study group that meets near your home or workplace

Question Title

* 2. Is there something else that you would have given a 5 rating, that wasn’t on our list?