Is your Area Agency on Aging or Title VI Aging Program on social media? If so, let us know. If not, use the comment box below to tell us why not. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey! Your answers will help n4a ensure that we stay connected with our members on all social media channels.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following social media tools does your AAA or Title VI Aging Program use? Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 2. How often does your AAA or Title VI Aging Program access the following social media channels?

  Never Monthly Weekly Daily >1x day

Question Title

* 3. Does your agency follow n4a on any of the following social media channels?

  Yes No

Question Title

* 4. How often does your AAA or Title VI Aging Program like, share, retweet or repost n4a's social media content on the following social media channels?

  Never Occasionally (a few times a month) Weekly

Question Title

* 5. Help us make sure we follow your AAA or Title VI Aging Program on social media. Share your organization's profiles in the fields below.

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any other information you'd like to share about how your AAA or Title VI Aging Program uses - or doesn't use - social media? If so, please use the space below to tell us!

Thank you for taking the time to tell us how your AAA or Title VI Aging Program uses social media. Your input will help the n4a communications team improve the tools and resources we provide to n4a members. Thanks for your support and never hesitate to reach out to us with ideas, questions or concerns.

Joellen Leavelle, Communications Director,
Charlie Carroll, Senior Communications Associate,
(202) 872-0888