Proposal Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in presenting at GVEST 2019. 
The mission of GVEST is to provide educators an opportunity to learn and to share effective practices and strategies specific to the needs of students with visual impairments. 
The submission deadline to present in a GVEST 2019 session is June 27, 2019.  
Please note that presenters who are attending the whole conference will be expected to pay the registration fee.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Agency/School District

Question Title

* 4. Address

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* 5. Phone

Question Title

* 6. Email

Question Title

* 7. Describe your role in your agency/system

Question Title

* 10. Title
Please enter the Title of your Presentation (Limit 8 words)

Question Title

* 11. Please write a brief presentation description (limit 100 words)

Question Title

* 12. Equipment: Computers and LCD projectors with sound capability will be provided.  Each room has wi-fi access.  Presenters should bring their presentation on a thumb drive or laptop computer.   We recommend you bring both in case of technical difficulties. Mac users should provide their own video adapters.

Question Title

* 13. Are there any items participants should bring to this presentation?  If so, please list them in the box below.

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* 16. Please provide a brief bio for the program.

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* 18. If yes, please provide information for additional presenters for this session proposal

Question Title

* 19. Please enter a brief bio for this presenter