We want to hear from you 

The Physical Disability Council of NSW (PDCN) is the peak representative organisation of, and for, people with physical disability across NSW. PDCN has a majority of people with a physical disability in its membership and its governance. Our purpose is to build empowered, inclusive communities through:
  • Information and education 
  • Engagement and participation 
  • Developing individual capacity and resilience 
PDCN has witnessed a lot of changes recently, from the roll out of the NDIS to drastic changes in the funding of our advocacy. We value our stakeholders' feedback, and would like your help identifying where we should focus our efforts. 

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* 1. With one (1) as the most important factor, select the top 5 issues that you think we should we be focusing on

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* 2. What services are you aware of that PDCN currently offers?

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* 3. What additional information or services would you like PDCN to provide for you?

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* 4. In which formats would you like PDCN to provide information to you?

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* 5. How do you stay in touch with us online?

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* 6. What type of information should we be providing through our social media and online channels? E.g. PDCN updates, links to interesting articles/resources

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* 7. With one (1) very poor and ten (10) fantastic, how would you rate your recent interactions with PDCN? i.e. phone, Facebook, website, face-to-face

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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* 8. Do you have any suggestions as to what we could do better?