Vegetable and Potato Communications Survey

Please answer the following questions.

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* 1. For you chance to win $250 R.M. Williams voucher, please provide your contact information.

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* 2. What sector of the industry do you represent?

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* 3. Please rank your preferred methods of receiving Research and Development (R&D) information?

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* 4. The AUSVEG Weekly Update keeps me informed of current events and R&D projects in the vegetable and potato industries.

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* 5. I find information on the AUSVEG website easy to navigate.

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* 6. The Grower Success Stories publications are entertaining and informative.

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* 7. I find the information published by AUSVEG (including brochures and flyers) meets my needs, and keeps me informed about R&D activities.

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* 8. How would you rate AUSVEG's communication performance, including media activities?

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* 9. If you follow AUSVEG on social media, do you feel that AUSVEG has a strong social media presence?

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* 10. Keeping in mind that AUSVEG aims to raise awareness of current events and R&D in the vegetable and potato industries, what other activities would you like incorporated into the industry's Communications Programs?