NeXt is a nationally recognized program dedicated to preparing the next generation of emerging professionals for volunteer leadership roles within the arts community. We invite your feedback after each session to help us build a powerful, meaningful program for you and future Ambassadors.

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* 1. Your Name (Optional)
For some of these questions, we may want to follow-up with you.

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* 2. Sign-up below if you'd like to volunteer at Awards in the Arts (April 28) and didn't get a chance to sign-up last week.

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* 3. Do you feel better informed and/or able to advocate for the Louisville arts community?

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* 4. Do you feel you made progress on your consulting project, and know your next steps?

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* 5. For April and May do you think your consulting group needs the full hour and a half to meet  during the NeXt meetings or would you prefer more speakers and activities?

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* 6. Was Abby Shue's presentation on Carving your Own Path helpful as you think about your role in our arts community?

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* 7. What was your favorite part of the session? Your least favorite part?

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* 8. Do you think you'll follow-up with any of the Young Professional Groups that presented?

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* 9. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 10. Thinking about after your NeXt experience, would you like the Fund for the Arts to arrange any introductions between you and board members, arts leaders or any other key advocates in the community? Please list any names that come to mind.

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* 11. Do you have any boards or arts groups you know right now you'd be interested in serving on?

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* 12. Please rate these disciplines. 1 being a board or organization you'd be least likely to get involved with and 5 being most likely to get involved with.

  1 2 3 4 5
Vocal Music
Theatre and Musical Theatre
Visual Art
Youth Arts 
Instrumental Music
Literary Arts
Arts in Healthcare 
Arts in Ageing 
Tourism and Cultural