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A brief note from the Detour Detroit team:

We created this survey to learn more about who you are so we can better serve you with journalism, events and cool perks! As a thank you for taking this survey, you'll be in the running for delicious prizes -- $50 gift certificates to some amazing Detroit restaurants! We have SEVERAL gift certificates to give away, so please tell us more about who you are and why you read us. It's a huge help to us as we grow our independent local news startup! FYI: while we may share these survey results in aggregate with funders, sponsors or advertisers, we will never ever share or give away your unique/identifying information or email address without your explicit consent. That's a promise.

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* 1. First off, let's hear about you! How old are you?

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* 2. Where do you live? Please enter your zip code here.

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* 3. Which category best describes you? (check as many as you want!)

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* 4. Which best describes your current gender identity?

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* 5. What is your marital status?

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* 6. Do you have kids?

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* 7. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

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* 8. Tell us a little bit about your money-making M.O. (check all that apply)

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* 9. How much money do you make as a household?

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* 10. When you aren’t on the daily grind, how do you spend your time? Check all that apply!

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* 11. How often do you support a local business (restaurant, shop, grocery store, fitness studio, etc.)

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* 12. What kinds of locally-owned independent businesses in the Detroit area do you support or patronize at least once per month?

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* 13. How important is it to you that local businesses in Detroit survive during the pandemic?

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* 14. How often do you donate money or goods to charitable causes or nonprofit organizations?

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* 15. How often do you volunteer for local causes or charitable organizations?

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* 16. Would you be interested in finding out about more opportunities to volunteer or give back?

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* 17. If you could read a researched and reported how-to guide on a Detroit-related topic, what would it be about? (Or, what do you want to learn?)

Examples: how to buy a work of art from a local artist, how to care for a side lot, how to launch a nonprofit.

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* 18. If you were going to read a profile of a professional, advocate or champion working and/or living in Detroit, who would you want to see featured?

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* 19. What other types of stories would you like us to cover? Is there anything you think shouldn’t be covered?

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* 20. What would motivate you to become a Detour member? Your membership dollars help cover the cost of our original reporting on Detroit, fund our events, and help us provide our team members with the compensation and benefits they deserve.

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* 21. What's your email address? Share your email for a chance to win one of our thank you gifts! We'll also sign you up for the Detour newsletter if you aren't already!

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* 22. Which Detour newsletters do you currently receive in your inbox?

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* 23. Wanna sign up for more free Detour newsletters? Check the box and we'll put you on the list!

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* 24. Would you be up for a 15 minute phone chat with a member of the Detour team to talk about this in more detail?

0 of 24 answered