Garvald Village Hall Hogmanay

Event Survey

1.Did you attend the ceilidh in Dec 2024?
2.Would you normally attend the Garvald hogmanay ceilidh?
3.Would you attend a village hogmanay event if it was not a ceilidh?
4.Is the supper an important part of the evening?
5.Would you be happy to bring your own snacks instead of the supper?
6.Would you happy if the event changed format to a live music event that was not a ceilidh?
7.Would you like an evening that had a mix of ceilidh and other live music?
8.Do you think that the event is advertised well enough?
9.Do you think that the ticket prices are fair?
10.Would you be interested in getting involved in organising the hogmanay event?
11.Do you have any other comments, ideas or suggestions to add regarding the hogmanay event?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered