This test will change the way you make decisions!

By taking the test (and viewing the video we send immediately after) you will learn:

1. why flawed decision-making makes you unhappy,
2. how to eliminate guilt in your interactions with others, and
3. how to align yourself with who you truly know yourself to be.

First, a few background questions:

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes how you feel about integrity?

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* 4. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 
"In order to make decisions with integrity, a guideline in writing is highly desirable."

Ready?  Here’s the IQ Test!
Assume that all the information you need to answer the following questions is included in the question.
Chose the answer that most closely reflects the way you view the situation.

Question Title

* 5. You make a lunch date, then, getting a more desirable offer, cancel with the first person, telling a white lie about the reason for cancelling.

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* 6. Your best friend, a partner in a prosperous banking firm, comes to town a few times a year. He insists on taking you out to dinner on his company’s expense account, even though no business is discussed, saying that his firm knows of the practice and does not object. You let him pay.

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* 7. At a dinner party, someone asks your views on the Presidential race in front of all the guests. Because of your strong views and the presence of those with equally strong and directly opposing views, you expect you will spark a sharp debate, possibly disrupt the party, and upset the host, so you decline the invitation to express your opinion.

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* 8. You own a stock portfolio managed by a broker in whom you have confidence, so you let her make the investment decisions she deems best for you.  You never check whether any of the companies in which you hold stock engage in environmental, employment, or other practices you oppose.

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* 9. After repeated attempts to lose weight, you are now fiercely determined to succeed, and you swear to yourself that you will stick with this diet. You make a good start, but after a few days you begin to lapse. A few days later you abandon the diet.

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* 10. A big meeting is coming up tomorrow at work. Due to the demands on your time, you’ve waited until the night before to prepare, but you remember you promised your teenage daughter that you will attend her basketball game that night. You apologize profusely to your daughter, sincerely promising to make it up to her, then work late that night to prepare for the meeting.

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* 11. Your boss tells you that a layoff of a close coworker is imminent and swears you to secrecy. You know that the coworker is about to commit to a huge mortgage he cannot afford if laid off. You take him aside and try to get him to question the timing of the mortgage through hints about the general uncertainty at work. 

Which of the following do you think is more true?
(Although both may be true, or neither completely true,
which in your opinion is the more true statement?)

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* 12. Which is more true?

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* 13. Which is more true?

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* 14. Which is more true?

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* 15. Which is more true?

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* 16. Which is more true?

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* 17. Which do you think is the cause of more breaches of integrity?

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* 18. When cooking an elaborate meal or doing a repair job around the house that requires a lot of utensils or tools, do you tend to assemble all necessary items in advance or grab them as you need them?

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* 19. Enter your email address to receive your test results and an explanation of the “laws” that determine the answer.

Your email will not be shared with any person or group.

Now for your IQ results!

When you hit the "Done" button to submit your test responses, you will see your score then a 15-minute video will arrive in your inbox explaining how your score was determined. 

Remember, you just took the first step in understanding (or refining) how to align yourself with who you truly know yourself to be.