Question Title

* 1. UAMS Employee

Question Title

* 2. Profession

Question Title

* 3. Practice Type

Question Title

* 4. Practice Setting

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the impact of the following objectives: As a result of attending this activity, I am better able to ...

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Objective:  Review eye conditions that effect the geriatric population.
Objective:  Identify sight threatening conditions and referral protocols.
Objective: Identify life threatening vision loss, review referral for emergent care, and imaging and lab testing for these conditions.

Question Title

* 6. I work as a member of a health care team

Question Title

* 7. As a result of attending this activity:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
I intend to apply the knowledge and/or skills I have acquired from this activity to my work when in a team environment.
I am better able to collaborate with a multidisciplinary team.
I am better able to communicate with other members of a multidisciplinary team as a result of what I learned in this activity.
I am better able to discuss how teamwork can contribute to continuous and reliable patient care.

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the projected impact of this activity on your knowledge, competence, performance, and patient outcomes*:        (Competence is defined as the ability to apply knowledge, skills, and judgment in practice (knowing how to do something.)    
*The Accreditation Council for CME requires us to analyze changes in learners’ competence, p
erformance, or patient outcomes.

  Yes No No change
This activity increased my knowledge.
This activity increased my competence.
This activity will improve my performance.
This activity will improve my patient outcomes.

Question Title

* 9. Do you feel the activity was scientifically sound and free of commercial bias* or influence?
*Commercial bias is defined as a personal judgment in favor of a specific product or service of a commercial interest.

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* 10. Please identify how you will change your practice as a result of attending this activity (select all that apply).

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* 11. Please indicate any barriers you perceive in implementing these changes (Please check all that apply).

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* 12. Will you attempt to address these barriers in order to implement changes in your competence, performance, and/or patients’ outcomes?

Question Title

* 13. For the content presented, how might the format of this activity be improved (select all that apply)?

Question Title

* 14. Overall, were the speakers knowledgeable regarding the content?

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* 15. Overall, were the presentations balanced, objective, and scientifically rigorous?

Question Title

* 16. Describe any presentations that were exceptional?

Question Title

* 17. Describe any presentations that did not meet your needs or expectations.

Question Title

* 18. For future educational activities, please describe any clinical, educational, practice management, or other situations that you find difficult to manage or resolve that you would like to see addressed.