Study Information

Plaza Research Ft. Lauderdale is currently recruiting for a nationwide study regarding Cancer. As with all Plaza Research Surveys, you will be called back on a first come, first serve basis. We will be calling back those who pre-qualify per the survey.

Gender: Males and Females
Age: 19-75
Specific: Suffer from non-bone cancer
Dates: To be announced
Incentive: $225 for a web/telephone interview
Time: There will be 3 parts to the study
Location: From the comfort of your own home

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* 1. Contact information

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. What type of cancer did a physician diagnose you with?

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* 5. When were you diagnosed with cancer?

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* 6. During your upcoming chemotherapy treatments, will you receive treatment to increase your white blood cell count?

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* 7. During your previous chemotherapy treatments, did you ever receive treatment to increase your white blood cell count?

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* 8. How long has it been since you have finished chemo?

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* 9. How many days are there/will there be between your chemotherapy treatments?

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* 10. How many chemotherapy treatments do you have remaining in your treatment plan?

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* 11. For this study you will need to use your cell phone to participate, what type of cell phone do you personally own?