Enset, a new nonprofit domain registrar, helps NGOs register their exclusive .ngo and .ong web addresses as well as raise awareness, funds and support for their missions. Shifting the global nonprofit standard to these new domains is one step in a collaborative process Enset hopes will change the face of the social sector online. Check out our feature article on this topic: New domains and ‘OnGood’ community will change the face of the social sector online.
This survey is anonymous, unless you provide your contact information at the end

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* 1. What is your current domain?

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* 2. What is the primary purpose of your website? (check all that apply)

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* 3. As a nonprofit organization serving the common social good would you be interested in a validated .ngo/.ong domain for your site?

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* 4. In collaboration with WINGS, Enset is offering for a limited a limited time discount, would you like a followup email about .ngo/.ong domain registration at a special discount?