Creative Habitat

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* 1. What do you consider your most creative project in the past year?

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* 2. Who or what inspired this project?

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* 4. On average, how much time do you spend on the following in a 24 hour day?

  < 1 hour 1-2 hours 3-5 hours 6-8 hours 8+ hours
Work (in the home including cleaning, laundry, meal prep, etc)
Work (outside the home)
Shopping (for household necessities)
"Me" time (*Something you do to relax/enjoy)

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* 5. Are you satisfied with your daily time (as outlined above)?

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* 7. If you could extend each day by one hour, how would you use this margin to refuel? Would you choose something creative (example: cooking) or passive (example: tv)

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* 8. Please choose the best answer to the following statement, "I prioritize time to refuel on a regular basis."

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* 9. My age is: