CCOGM Credentials - Minister Application Personal History Question Title * 1. Personal Information Full Legal Name * Preferred Nickname Address * City/Town * Province * Postal Code * Country * Email Address * Phone Number * Question Title * 2. Date of Birth Question Title * 3. Citizenship: Question Title * 4. Gender: Male Female Question Title * 5. On your background check will it reveal anything of concern? (As part of your licensing process, we will complete an extensive criminal record, vulnerable sector, soft credit check and verify your identification.) Yes No Question Title * 6. The Church of God holds to either celibate or heterosexual relationships as being biblically sound. Is your lifestyle in agreement with this standard? Yes No Question Title * 7. Have you ever applied for ministerial credentials before: No Yes If yes, with which group? Question Title * 8. I am serving in the position of: Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Transitional/Interim Pastor Chaplain No professional pastoral position at this time. Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. I am seeking a position as: Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Transitional/Interim Pastor Chaplain No professional pastoral position at this time. Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Part of the requirements of this application process is providing personal character references. The six individuals to whom I have given the reference surveys, are listed as follows (Please provide both name and email address.) Name Email address Name Email address Name Email address Name Email address Name Email address Name Email address Question Title * 11. Another part of this process is providing a completed Ministerial Endorsement Form. This individual is someone who has witnessed you in ministry. (Please provide both name and email address.) Name Email address Next