9/18/22 - SD Building Trades Election Action RSVP

Thank you for taking the time to let us know whether you’ll be able to join us for our event.

WHAT: San Diego Building Trades - Yes on D / SAFEGUARD SD
Sunday Lit Drop

DATE AND TIME: Sunday, Sept. 18th | 8:00am-11:30am

LOCATION: Ocean Air Rec Center, 4770 Fairport Way, San Diego, CA 92130
1.Will you be attending this event?(Required.)
2.How many guests will be joining you?(Required.)
3.What is your first name?(Required.)
4.What is your last name?(Required.)
5.What is your email address?(Required.)
6.What is your cell phone number?(Required.)
7.What is your union and local number? (i.e. IBEW 569)(Required.)
Join the San Diego County Building Trades this Sunday and make a difference in the lives of working families across our communities - and help pass Measure D to repeal the PLA Ban in San Diego!

WHAT: SD Building Trades Election Action - Yes on D / Safeguard San Diego Campaign Lit Drop 

WHEN: Sunday, September 18, 2022; 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM

WHERE: Ocean Air Rec Center, 4770 Fairport Way, San Diego, CA 92130

Contact: Gretchen Newsom, IBEW 569, 619-208-4853 cell or gnewsom@ibew569.org
We will provide:

• Training on how to do a lit drop

• Lunch (sponsored by IBEW 569)

• A raffle for San Diego Building Trades gear, and more!
Current Progress,
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