Please give us your feedback on the September 2016 Brandlive Officer Q&A.

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* 1. Did you attend the September 2016 live officer Q&A (Brandlive) event on Sept. 28?

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* 2. Rate the effectiveness of the live officer Q&A (Brandlive) as a way for you to hear about topics on retailers' minds.

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* 3. Rate the effectiveness of the live officer Q&A (Brandlive) as a way for you to receive an update on Ace's performance and business strategy.

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* 4. What did you think about the length of the broadcast?

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* 5. Did you have any technical difficulties with Brandlive? 

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* 6. What did you like most about the broadcast?

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* 7. What would you have changed/improved about the broadcast?

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* 8. Would you like Ace to continue these live Q&A broadcasts with the officer team?

Thank you for your feedback. It is greatly appreciated.