Draft Precinct Plans for the Norwest, Rouse Hill and Castle Hill Strategic Centres, along with the Draft Economic Growth Plan, are currently being exhibited by The Hills Shire Council until 31 July 2023. You are encouraged to have your say. Further information is available on Council's Website on the Have Your Say Page (https://www.thehills.nsw.gov.au/Contact-Us/Have-Your-Say/Help-Plan-For-The-Future-Draft-Precinct-Plans-Economic-Growth-Plan).

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* 1. Which of the following applies to you?

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* 2. If you live in The Hills, in which area?

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* 3. If you work in The Hills, in which area?

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* 4. Which of the following elements of Council’s draft Visions for the future of the Norwest, Castle Hill and Rouse Hill Strategic Centres do you feel are most important? (Please order in level of importance - 1 being most important and 10 being least important)

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* 5. The Draft Precinct Plans identify a range of new and upgraded local infrastructure for consultation, including roads, parks, pedestrian and cycleway links and stormwater upgrades. Which of the following local infrastructure upgrades do you feel are most important for the Strategic Centres? (Please order in level of importance - 1 being most important and 9 being least important)

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* 6. How old are you?

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* 7. If you would like to receive updates about the Plan on exhibition, please provide some contact details for us: