Introduction and Data Quality

Thank you for completing our phonathon accelerator scorecard. This survey consists of a few quick questions about your current program's performance and your feelings about your strategies and results. Since we know that there are multiple definitions for many common phone channel metrics, we've provided a brief explanation after many questions to help you determine the correct statistic. If you have any questions about completing this survey, please contact us at and we'll answer your question right away.

After we receive your survey, give us a few days to look at your responses, and a Ruffalo Noel Levitz consultant will be in touch to provide you with an Accelerator Score Card, show you how your program compares to other phonathon programs, and offer suggestions on how you can immediately increase your phonathon results.

If you don't know the answer to any question on this survey, please select or type "I don't know" and move to the next question. We'll be in touch to help you figure it out.

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* 1. Your Information

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* 2. What is your current phonathon contact rate? This is generally defined as the percentage of your completed calls where you are able to speak to a donor/prospect and ask for a gift. Completed calls are the records you will not dial again, and include both contacts and bad/incorrect numbers.

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* 3. Do you conduct basic phone append research annually? This research generally includes seeking general and land line phone numbers on prospects/donors from an outside provider.

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* 4. Do you conduct cell phone append research annually? This is the process of seeking specifically mobile phone numbers for donors/prospects, even those for which you have may have an existing phone number.

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* 5. Did you conduct cell phone append research this fiscal year?

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* 6. Do you utilize research scores from your data enrichment vendors to adjust your calling strategy?

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25% of survey complete.