Please fill out the form below to report content that you believe violates or infringes your copyright. Note that a report alleging infringement or violation of legal rights must come from the rights owner or someone authorized to report on their behalf (e.g. attorney, agent). If you are not the rights owner or their authorized representative, we will not be able to process your report. 

Question Title

* 1. Contact information

Question Title

* 2. Copyright owner's full name

This may be your full name or the name of the organization for whom you are the authorized representative.

Question Title

* 3. Link(s) to your copyrighted work

Please provide direct link(s) to the original copyrighted work if available. Enter one link per line.

Question Title

* 4. Description of your copyrighted work

Please provide a detailed description of the original copyrighted work. (e.g. a photograph of a cat in a bathtub I’ve taken)

Question Title

* 5. Link to the allegedly infringing material on 9GAG

Please provide the link to the 9GAG post.

Question Title

* 6. Description of infringement

Please provide a detailed description of the infringement.

Question Title

* 7. Declaration statements

Question Title

* 8. Electronic signature

Your electronic signature should match your full name. It is as legally binding as a physical signature.

PLEASE NOTE: This form should only be submitted by copyright holders or their authorized representatives making a claim under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Unfortunately, this form isn't the proper way to tell us about possible violations of our community guidelines - to let us know about those issues, please report the post/profile instead.