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Eligibility Criteria

If you meet the criteria below, please answer the questions in this survey if you are interested in learning more about this planning grant opportunity. Our preferred due date is July 5th but we will accept expressions of interest beyond this date.
- Is your organization based in one of the following states: AR, CA, DC, LA, MD, MI, NE, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX and WI.
- Is your organization either a public charity as determined by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) or does it have a fiscal sponsor that has this IRS classification?
- Is your organization led by and focused on issues confronting BIPOC/ALAANA communities?  Such an organization would be defined as meeting this criteria if, ideally, at least two-thirds of senior staff and/or board leadership positions are held by those who self-identify as BIPOC/ALAANA and are representative of the communities they work within. (There is some flexibility in the specific measure of 2/3rds of board leadership positions.)
- Does your organization have a demonstrated track record of meaningfully engaging with and centering the lived experience, wisdom and expressed needs of families with young children in historically marginalized and underinvested communities? “Meaningfully engage” can be defined by the applicant as to what they think that means but, at a minimum, should go beyond surveys, questionnaires or focus groups that occur a few times a year and would include ongoing involvement of parents and families with young children throughout any and all processes that an organization is carrying out.
Does your organization have an interest in and commitment to policy priorities focused on the needs of families with young children? While the foundation’s priority is on prenatal to age three (PN-3), an organization that does not have a history of focus on PN-3 but has an interest in expanding their focus to incorporate this age range is eligible for consideration.
- Is your organization currently state-level or a community-based organization that is working towards or has a vision for involvement in state-level/statewide policy change? 
- Do you have the capacity and the interest in convening other organizations, representing other racial/cultural communities, around the idea of a coalition focused on state policy priorities related to families with infants and toddlers, beginning prenatally?

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* 1. Organization Name:

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* 2. Contact Name:

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* 3. Contact Title:

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* 4. Contact Email:

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* 5. What city is the organization based in?

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* 6. In what state is the organization based? (Use 2-letter abbreviation)

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* 7. What is the stated purpose/mission of the organization?

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* 8. Is the organization a public charity as determined by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) or does the organization have a fiscal sponsor that has this IRS classification?

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* 9. Are at least two-thirds of senior staff and/or board leadership positions held by those who self-identify as BIPOC/ALAANA?

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* 10. How many paid staff members work for the organization? (Use numerical digits.)

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* 11. How many senior staff members (managers, directors, officers) work for the organization? (Use numerical digits.)

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* 12. How many senior staff self-identify as BIPOC/ALAANA? (Use numerical digits.)

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* 13. What is the total # of people on the organization's board? (Use numerical digits.)

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* 14. How many board members self-identify as BIPOC/ALAANA? (Use numerical digits.)

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* 15. Is the stated mission of the organization to specifically serve one or more of the communities listed below? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 16. What is the length of time the organization has been working with/in the identified communities?

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* 17. Describe any state-level policy change efforts the organization in which the organization is currently engaging. 

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* 18. Please describe any current organizational efforts that prioritize prenatal to age three issue areas or early childhood issues in general? 

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* 19. Are representatives of your organization currently working at all with the PCI-funded PN-3 coalition in your state? (Current involvement is NOT a criteria for applying.)

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* 20. If the organization has a website or Facebook page with more details on its work, please provide that link.

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