Food Safety Rating Scheme - Food Service Business Survey

The Food Safety Rating Scheme (FSRS) is commonly known as `scores-on doors’, and is used in South Australia as a visual indicator to inform consumers how well the individual restaurants and cafes in the scheme are complying with food safety standards. Participation in the Scheme is voluntary both by councils and the food businesses.

At this stage 21 councils are part of the Scheme covering around 70% of the SA population. Where councils are participating, eligible food businesses are assigned a score as part of routine inspection by council Environmental Health Officers (EHOs). The score is converted into a star rating based on technical criteria. A business which complies with the standards is awarded 5 stars, 4 stars or 3 stars and a certificate which it can display for the general public.
  • 5 stars - Excellent compliance
  • 4 stars - Good compliance
  • 3 stars - General compliance with the food safety standards
Some business will be unrated due to poor compliance therefore no certificate will be issued to them. For more information on Food Safety Rating please refer to the following link

The Scheme was officially launched in April 2016. SA Health is conducting a 2 year formal review of the Scheme. As part of review, this survey has been designed to gather food service businesses feedback on the Scheme.

Please participate in the survey to help us analyse and improve the Scheme to achieve better Food Safety outcomes.

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following best describes your business?

Question Title

* 3. Is your business captured under the Scheme because your council is participating in the Scheme Voluntarily?