Listening Sessions with Mark Tidsworth, Church Consultant |
An invite to participate in a listening group.
Thank you for your strong endorsement at the Quarterly Business meeting to partner with Pinnacle Leadership Associates entering a "Season of Renewal" as a church.
We are building on our collective experience during January's Making The Shift Weekend, moving into the next season. To that end, we need a way to gather our collective discernment about our calling as a church.
Over the weekend of June 2-4, our partner in ministry Rev. Mark Tidsworth will be on campus at Tabernacle, eager to gather this church's insights. Everyone who considers Tabernacle their church is invited to participate in a listening group.
These are one-hour sessions with up to 10 persons, facilitated by Rev. Tidsworth.
We encourage everyone to participate, whether your name is on the membership list or not, helping us discern our calling and focus for the present and near future.
Click "next" to sign-up