About the Forum       

The Senior Agenda Coalition and 17 co-sponsoring agencies are organizing an opportunity for the 2022 gubernatorial candidates to speak to the issues of Rhode Island’s aging population. 
The forum’s overarching question is:  What will our next governor do to ensure the well-being of seniors, considering the forecasted population growth of older Rhode Islanders?  RI Statewide Planning projections indicated that people sixty-five and older will grow to over 247,000 by 2030, an increase of 65,000 seniors over the 2020 census.
Forum Sponsors: Alzheimer’s Association Rhode Island Chapter, A Community Together, Carelink, Community Provider Network of Rhode Island, Economic Progress Institute, Leading Age Rhode Island, NAACP Providence Branch, Ocean State Center for Independent Living, PACE, Progreso Latino, Rhode Island Assisted Living Association, RI Elder Info, Rhode Island Health Care Association, Rhode Island Organizing Project, Rhode Island Senior Centers Directors Association, Senior Agenda Coalition of RI, SEIU Healthcare 1199 and The Village Common of Rhode Island.  Register attend by completing form below.  Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Individual Participant Registration:

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your preferred way to participate:

NOTE:  Click "DONE" button at the end of this form to register.

Question Title

* 3. Optional Survey:  Your answers will help guide the Forum questions. 

Please indicate what you feel is the level of importance of the following issue areas:

  Very important Important Less Important Not important
Information about services for seniors
Employment opportunities for older workers
Health care services
Transportation services
Nutritious food, access & affordability
Long Term Care Options (homecare, adult day care, nursing home, etc.)
Housing options, affordable for seniors
Elder abuse/exploitation
Socialization, recreation to reduce isolation

Question Title

* 4. Your age group:

Thank you for registering to attend the August 3 Forum at East Providence High School Auditorium.  Please arrive between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM.  The Forum will start at 10:00 AM and conclude by by 11:20 AM. 

We will email your ticket prior to the event.  Thank You.