Edgecombe County Manager, Eric Evans, has been championing a county-wide initiative called "Get Off the Lists". Mr. Evans worked with former County Manager, Lorenzo Carmon, who used to express his frustration with a common observation: that Edgecombe County was often found at the top or the bottom of many of the lists used to measure a county’s success, health, wealth, and development.  
As the current County Manager, Mr. Evans found himself with a similar observation: the Edgecombe County community and its residents face difficult challenges each day and have limited access to many resources. To begin to combat these challenges and as a call to action, Mr. Evans is urging community members to work together to “get off the lists”! 
According to the County Healthy Rankings, most of the lists Edgecombe County is on fall under one of the following categories, so the following will be our four focus areas. 
1. Youth and Family 
2. Education & Workforce Development 
3. Health Equity 
4. Affordable Housing

Mr. Eric Evans plans to move this work forward by engaging stakeholders in the following strategies. 
1. Performance Management 
2. Leadership Development 
3. Capacity Building 
4. Networking & Collaboration
5. Policy Development

We want to learn about the existing efforts from the public service organizations across Edgecombe County addressing the challenges within our four focus areas. With this survey, we aim to gain a better understanding of your organization, the work you do, and how we can collaborate to help Edgecombe County "get off the lists"!

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your organization?

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* 2. What is the mission of your organization?

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* 3. What is your organization's type? (i.e. nonprofit, local government, school, private, etc.)

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* 4. Which of the following focus areas does your organization provide services in? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. What services does your organization provide?

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* 6. What are the strengths and specialties of your organization?

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* 7. How long has your organization been doing its work?

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* 8. Describe the geographic areas or regions where your organization primarily provides services in.

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* 9. What organization(s), if any, does your organization currently partner/collaborate with?

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* 10. How interested is your organization in leading or joining a Get Off The List task force?

Not Interested Very Interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 11. How interested is your organization in collaboration and networking with other organizations?

Not Interested Very Interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 12. What resources or support do you need to further your work?

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* 13. Please enter the name and contact information of the ideal point person for "Get Off The List" work.

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* 14. Who else should be involved in "Get Off The List" Work (people or organizations)?

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* 15. Is there anything else about your organization that you would like to share?