Champions are motivational ambassadors who are committed to sharing the mission of GO GURNEE. They invite and encourage others to participate in the movement through Facebook, e-mails and in-person interactions. GO GURNEE Champions then lead the way for their friends, family and community members. Fill out the survey below to Champion today! 

In addition to being a Champion, you can also participate in the Go Gurnee Walking Club. To participate, please be sure to click and register. 

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* 1. Are you ready to become a champion?

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* 2. What is your relation to Gurnee?

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* 3. Contact Information:

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* 4. What is your T-shirt size?

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* 5. State one word to describe how you feel about participating in GO GURNEE.

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* 6. Personal Statement: Why do you want to be a Champion for GO GURNEE (in 20 words or less)?