Returning To In-Person Outings (Parents/Guardians)

For your child(ren) to resume in-person outings with their Big(s), you will need to complete this form.
Your First And Last Name:(Required.)
First & Last Name of Child(ren):
*Please enter each child in our program separated by commas in the field below
As you are aware, the state of Illinois, with the exception of Chicago, moved into Phase 3 of Governor Pritzker’s Restore Illinois plan on May 29th. Presently, Chicago is set to move into Phase 3 on June 3rd. In Phase 3, all gatherings of 10 people or fewer are allowed with this limit subject to change based on latest data & guidance.

We recognize these circumstances change daily, especially in light of present events, and we plan to keep you informed regarding any changes via email.

In light of this change, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago is allowing matches in both Illinois and Indiana to resume match outings on June 15th upon receipt of electronic waiver from both Big and Parent. Please find the electronic waiver linked at the bottom of this document.

Resuming in-person outings is at the discretion of each match and its participants. You may choose to maintain your virtual relationship with your Little and resume in-person outings once you, your Little, and their parent/guardian are comfortable.

If any party in the match relationship is at heightened risk from the Coronavirus, you should not meet in person at this time. This may also include family members, partners, or roommates.

Heightened risk factors include advanced age, respiratory illness, diabetes and immune system suppression, among many others.
The CDC has further guidance at the link below:

Communicating about COVID-19 & Risk Factors in your Match

-Each person in the match needs to assess their health directly before each outing: Are you feeling achy? Fever or chills? Fatigued? Cough or tightness in chest? Unusual digestive issues? Unknown rash? Before each outing, all parties should do this self-evaluation and discuss with each other to determine if the outing should occur. If not, opt for a virtual visit instead.
-Share with your match if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or had exposure to a large number of people – consider your recent contacts. We need to be open and honest with each other so we can protect one another and work together to make the best informed decision about an outing.
-Bigs should be clear on planned activities when communicating with parents and parents should communicate any restrictions they require and give specific approval to the outing.
-When together in-person with your Little, remind each other about rules for the day. How will we help keep each other healthy? There are many logistics to think through. Make a plan and discuss your plan. Check-in throughout your outing.

Protocol for In-Person Outings

-All match parties must wear a mask at all times during outings.
-Bigs, we recommend reminding Little’s parent/guardian to send their child on the outing with a face mask, and have an extra with you in case your Little doesn’t have one or they are unable to find their own.
-Here, you can find information on mask hygiene and cleaning masks should you lend one to your Little.
-Wash and sanitize hands frequently.
-Maintain at least 6 feet of distance.
-Riding in the car together can be a challenge with social distancing. You may choose to avoid it all together. If transporting Little, use the following guidelines:
-Big and Little must wear masks at all times.
-Consider having windows down or keeping the ride short. Youth should sit in the backseat.
-Hand hygiene: Use hand sanitizer directly before the car ride and directly after to help reduce germs in your car.
-Big should sanitize high touch areas in their car before and after outing.
I have read the agency’s COVID-19 Match Contact Guidelines and I agree to adhere to all items listed to the best of my ability. I understand my child is not obligated to have in person contact with their match, and that I am expected to continue virtual contact if not having in-person contact. I will make decisions based on what is best for the safety, health, and wellness of each person in my match and our families. I will discuss these considerations in depth with each person in my match and ensure we are all in agreement before proceeding. If I have questions or concerns about how best to do this, or about any of the guidelines listed here or any other concerns related to the BBBS program, I will contact my Match Support Specialist. I will not hold Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago (BBBSMC) or its directors, officers or employees, responsible if I or one of my family members contracts COVID-19 or any illness. I will not hold Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago (BBBSMC) responsible for any damages that may result from contracting an illness, including all liability, claims or demands arising from any injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from the negligence of the releases or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This release is binding on heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, agents, attorneys and representatives.(Required.)