Introduction and application guidelines

Entry deadline - August 15, 2024
Thank you for your interest in the Sustainable Landscape Community program. This program provides a sustainability designation for commercial properties, HOAs, and other large landscapes. The program highlights the use of sustainable management techniques and methods for landscapes as defined by the book, Sustainable Landscape Management: A Guide to More Sustainable Landscapes in Colorado, Urban Landscape SustainabilityTM by Janet Waibel and other nationwide and statewide movements.

Sites to be considered for this program must be managed/maintained by a company with Sustainable Landscape Management certificate holders on staff. The Sustainable Landscape Management program provides certificates to individuals who have completed a training class and exam on sustainable landscape maintenance practices. All applications will be reviewed by a panel of qualified ALCC members or affiliates. Part of the application may include a site visit from ALCC representatives.

A one-time only fee of $1,000 is required to be submitted along with the application. Once the designation has been obtained, a yearly fee of $400 will be required to maintain the designation. Additional information on continued sustainable practices used on the site will be required to be submitted every 3-5 years.

Remember when filling out the application that all sites have aspects that are sustainable and other parts of the site may be lacking in sustainability, such as certain plant choices, unnecessarily large turf areas, etc. Be sure to highlight the not-so-sustainable aspects and any reasoning behind those decisions, as well as plans to make those areas more sustainable in the future.

The application should be completed by the property owner or managing board as well as the landscape management company with the SLM certificate holder(s) on staff.

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* 1. Name of site and location (address or addresses, including city and state)

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* 2. Name of individuals submitting application (name, title, company). Identify which of the individuals is an SLM certificate holder.

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* 3. Contact phone and email

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* 4. Description of property (type of property - HOA, commercial property, mixed use, retain space). How is it used by the community?