In order to help inform the EPDP Team Leadership's development of the agenda for the F2F meeting in Toronto, each group may voluntarily rank the different purposes and recommendations below that are currently slated for EPDP Team review.

In prioritizing these topics, please consider the topics that both (1) MUST be addressed and resolved prior to the Team’s provision of its Final Report on the Temporary Specification, AND (2) should be discussed in a F2F manner, if possible. Topics not falling into the above may, for example, be handled outside of the F2F meeting in Team teleconferences or handled in Phase 2 of the Team’s work.

This poll is intended to be informative and should not be construed as a vote on what will and what will not be on the agenda for the F2F meeting as that is a determination the leadership team will ultimately make. (Note: topics previously covered by the small teams have not been included in this survey, but you can call these out in the comment box if you believe any of the topics do require EPDP Team consideration during the F2F meeting.) 

Question Title

* 1. Response by (include your name) on behalf of (please include the name of your SG/C/AC)

Question Title

* 2. Please rank in order of priority for discussion at the F2F meeting (with #1 being the most important topic to be addressed F2F)

Question Title

* 3. Please list here any other topics that your group believes should be discussed / considered during the F2F meeting which are not included above.