Taonga Tū | Heritage Bay of Plenty - Community Consultation |
Western Bay of Plenty Heritage Strategy
HERITAGE TOGETHER | Kotahitanga – Orokohanga Poutama
A Plan for Heritage across the Western Bay of Plenty,
including Tauranga City
including Tauranga City
Tēnā koutou,
Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamura
When you understand the past, you know your future
When you understand the past, you know your future
Following a survey we conducted last year, and building on that feedback, this second survey is asking what aspects of Western Bay of Plenty heritage you value most and want to see celebrated and conserved – with particular emphasis on heritage education.
Our heritage surrounds us daily. It incorporates all aspects of Natural, Cultural and Built heritage. This includes our iwi hapū; our language, music and traditions; our multi-cultural diversity; our coast, rivers, maunga, bushlands and wildlife; our buildings, businesses, archaeological sites and more. It also includes the taonga (treasures) held by private individuals and in places such as the Tauranga Heritage Collection and the Western Bay Museum at Katikati, and other institutions.
Taonga Tū | Heritage Bay of Plenty is developing Heritage Together | Kotahitanga - Orokohanga Poutama, the Western Bay of Plenty Heritage Strategy (the Strategy). This is following extensive discussions with numerous heritage organisations and initiatives across our region, including iwi hapū, the business community and all the three councils.
The information gathered from this survey will add richness to the Strategy and help guide our region’s heritage priorities for the next five to ten years. Please tell us what YOU value – be part of the continuing story of our community.
Ngā mihi maioha,
Bruce Farthing – Chair
Taonga Tū | Heritage Bay of Plenty