Upstate Mobility Alliance is working on ways to facilitate more active and livable communities in the Upstate. One thing we are interested in is patterns of behavior as they relate to “short trips”. For the purpose of this survey we are considering a “short trip” to be less than two miles one-way. Answering the following few questions will help us come up with some possible solutions to improving the manner in which we move about in the Upstate and connect people to places of destination.

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* 1. In which setting do you live? (check one)

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* 2. What is your home zip code?

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* 3. What is your work zip code (if applicable)

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* 4. Do you or someone in your household own or lease a vehicle?

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* 5. Would your commute to work be considered a short trip?

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* 6. If your commute to work is a short trip, how many times a week do you make that trip?

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* 7. Other than a commute to work, over the past week, how many short trips have you taken whether the trip originated from your home or workplace?

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* 8. Considering all of your short trips (commuting to work and otherwise) over a typical week, how many were made by:

  1-5 6-10 11-15 16 or more
Scooter or Skateboard
Public Transit
Personal Vehicle

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* 9. Would you consider making more of your short trips by walking, biking, or transit if those options were more appealing/available?

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* 10. Would the decision to not drive your own vehicle for a short trip be influenced by cost?

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* 11. Would you be more inclined to walk if there was a safe and pleasant pedestrian pathway?

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* 12. Would you be more inclined to bike if there was a safe and pleasant bike path?

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* 13. Would you consider making more of your short trips via transit if it were available?

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* 14. Would you consider joining a carpooling or vanpooling system?

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* 15. Do you have any mobility impairments?