Question Title

* 1. How interested would you be in laminated easy-to-carry pocket cards for your facilities' physicians and coders to have on hand? These cards could contain updated documentation tips, and clinical criteria and coding guidance for certain conditions. These cards would assist physicians with their documentation to ensure the most accurate code is reported.

Question Title

* 2. Please rank the following conditions in order of hardest to code for/most queried condition.

  Very Difficult Difficult Not Difficult
Acute Kidney Injury 
Acute Myocardial Infarction
Acute Respiratory Failure
AIDS/HIV Disease
"Altered mental status"
Heart Failure
Hypertensive Crisis
Post-Procedural Respiratory Failure
Skin Ulcers

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any further comments or suggestions regarding this product idea?

Question Title

* 4. May we follow up with you if we have further questions? If so, please include your name, job title, and email address.