Dear NHS Staff

Please complete this GMB “Stress in the NHS” survey. GMB is launching a campaign to reduce the appallingly high levels of stress across the entire health service. We need evidence to show why action is desperately needed and to highlight the major sources of stress.

GMB’s NHS National Staff Committee is aware that the working conditions of many NHS workers are becoming simply horrendous. We can’t allow NHS leaders or the government just to ignore the issue.

NHS workers provide an amazing service to the public. Even with rising demand on the NHS, you have a right to healthy and safe working conditions and NHS leaders and the government need to realise this.

We want to put stress and workload high up on the agenda in negotiations and joint working with employers and other parties.

Individual survey results will be treated anonymously. GMB will use the overall results to call for investment to improve staffing levels, positive action on staff health and well-being, zero tolerance of abuse, bullying and violence, and action on whatever other issues the survey brings to light. All completed surveys will help us to construct the evidence we need.

GMB members experiencing a problem at work can seek advice from their GMB Staff Representative or GMB Officer. If you are not a GMB member, join now at or fill in the membership form included in this survey. Only GMB members get GMB help.

The GMB NHS National Staff Committee thanks you for completing this survey. The results will be posted on the GMB website,

Yours sincerely

Rehana Azam
GMB National Office