HCAOA Georgia Chapter Member Survey 2022

In 2020 and 2021, the HCAOA Georgia Chapter surveyed members about details related to workforce shortages and operational challenges. Each year those survey results were important as we responded to questions from regulators and legislators.

As we approach the 2023 Legislative Session in January, we need updated data on the main issues impacting our Georgia home care businesses. This year, your responses are critical as they will be used to set specific requests to members of the Georgia General Assembly.

Thank you in advance for your valuable input!
1.Please indicate the services that your agency provides in the homes of Georgians. Select all that apply. 
2.Since January 1, 2022, how many patients/clients have you served?
3.If you are a Medicaid Elderly & Disabled Waiver provider, is your agency a participant in the DCH rate study administered by Deloitte? This rate study will be instrumental in setting rates for Medicaid programs in the future.
4.If you are a home care agency providing private pay services to Georgians, what is your typical hourly billing rate in your current market?  Please indicate by selecting the appropriate private pay bill rate range below.
5.The workforce shortage pressures have driven up pay rates for caregivers.  Below, please indicate your current average pay rate ranges for Medicaid and non-Medicaid caregivers (CNA, PCA, HHA, NA, etc.).  Please select the pay rate range that applies to your agency - Choose ONE response in each column.
$10.00 - $10.99
$11.00 - $11.99
$12.00 - $12.99
$13.00 - $13.99
$14.00 - $14.99
$15.00 - $15.99
$16.00 - $16.99
$17.00 - $17.99
$18.00 - $18.99
$19.00 - $19.99
6.The workforce shortage has also driven up overtime rates as providers work to cover shifts when they are short of caregiver staff.  Please select a percent overtime range for your agency from the following percentage ranges.
(Percent Overtime = Overtime Payroll Hours/Total Payroll Hours)
7.How has your home care provider business performed financially during 2022?
8.If your business is operating at a financial loss, how long will your business be able to sustain those losses and continue to provide services?
9.What has had the greatest impact on the profitability of your provider services? Please select all that apply.
10.Is your agency currently experiencing difficulty in hiring caregivers?
11.If you answered YES to the previous question, how many caregivers do you need to hire?