Exit Learning Center Survey Question Title * 1. How did you hear about the Learning Center? TechAnnounce Word of Mouth/Friend TTU or SOAR Website Professor/Instructor Direct Email (sent to your course) Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which method did you use to visit the LC? In Person Online BOTH Question Title * 3. I was greeted by the Student Assistant (In Person or Online) when using the Learning Center resources. Yes No Question Title * 4. Tutoring for my specific course was available when I visited. Yes Yes, but there was a wait. No, but i was given alternate options by the SA (a time to return). No, there are not tutors available in my specific course. Question Title * 5. What course did you receive help with? Question Title * 6. My tutor was helpful and open to my questions. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. If your tutor was not helpful, please explain why. Question Title * 8. My tutor had a firm grasp of the material and explained it in a way that i could understand. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 9. If not, what was the issue. Question Title * 10. I would work with my tutor again. Yes No Question Title * 11. If you would NOT work with your tutor again, please explain why. Question Title * 12. I would recommend the Learning Center to others. Yes No Question Title * 13. If you would NOT recommend the Learning Center, please explain why. Question Title * 14. My tutor's name was (if you worked with more than one tutors, please list all) Question Title * 15. Additional Comments/Recommendations Question Title * 16. What is your email address (so we can follow up with you)? Done