Thank you so much for taking the time to give us your honest feedback. We depend on the opinions of listeners like you to improve our programming.

Your answers on this survey are confidential and will be aggregated.

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* 1. Did you listen to the entire show?

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* 2. Did any of the stories in the show reflect a struggle you have experienced in your own life?

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* 3. Did listening to the show From Violence to Voice impact you in any of the following ways? Please check all that apply.

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* 4. How would you rate the show's effectiveness in the following categories?

  Poor Room for Improvement Fine Good Excellent
Challenges stereotype
Reduces shame
Fosters courage
Increases empathy
Motivates you to talk about violence more openly

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* 5. Was any assumption or stereotype you may have about a person in the show challenged by hearing their story, or did the show help you think about the situation in a new way?

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* 6. Did the show give you a new understanding of how silence is related to violence? If so, how?

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* 7.  After listening to the show, what is your biggest takeaway?

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* 8. Is there anything we can do to improve our programming?