Kingston Input for Hiring a New Police Chief

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* 1. What is your connection to Kingston?

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* 2. What qualities do you think are important for a police chief?

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* 3. What specific experience or qualifications should a police chief have?

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* 4. What changes or improvements would you like to see in the local police department?

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* 5. How would you rate the current relationship between the police department and the community?

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* 6. What steps do you think the new police chief should take to improve community relations?

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* 7. What strategies do you think the new police chief should implement to address crime prevention?

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* 8. What measures should the new police chief take to ensure accountability and transparency within the department?

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* 9. How would you rate the effectiveness of the current police department in addressing community concerns?

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* 10. What other qualities or skills do you think the new police chief should possess?

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* 11. Are there any specific challenges or issues in the community that you believe the new police chief should prioritize?