Question Title

* 1. How old are you?

Question Title

* 2. Select the year level you are currently in

Question Title

* 3. I would describe my satisfaction with my overall life as:

Question Title

* 4. In general, how would you describe your health?

Question Title

* 5. In the past 12 months, how would you describe your grades in school?

Question Title

* 6. This group of questions asks about your school satisfaction. Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Moderately Agree (C) Mildly Agree (D) Mildly Disagree (E) Moderately Disagree (F) Strongly Disagree
I look forward to going to school.
I like being in school.
School is interesting.
I wish I didn't have to go to school.
There are many things about school I don't like.
I enjoy school activities.
I learn a lot at school.
I feel bad at school.

Question Title

* 7. The next group of questions asks about your relationships with your teachers. Please select the appropriate answers.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
Teachers understand my problems.
Teachers and staff seem to take a real interest in my future.
Teachers are available when I need to talk with them.
It is easy to talk with teachers.
Students get along well with teachers.
Teachers at my school help us students with our problems.
My teachers care about me.
My teacher makes me feel good about myself.

Question Title

* 8. The next group of questions asks about your feelings of connectedness to your school. Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
My schoolwork is interesting.
Students can make suggestions on how we can improve things at school.
This school makes students enthusiastic about learning.
Teachers recognise students when they do the right thing.
Teachers listen to our ideas.
When I am finished at this school, I would like to come back and visit sometimes.

Question Title

* 9. The next group of questions asks about your feelings of academic support in your school. Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
I usually understand my homework assignments.
Teachers make it clear what work needs to be done to get the grade I want.
I believe that teachers expect all students to learn.
I feel that I can do well in this school.
My school provides the academic resources I need to succeed with my schoolwork.
Students in my class can help me with my schoolwork if I need it.
Students in my class care about how well I do at school.

Question Title

* 10. The next group of questions asks about your feelings of order, safety, and discipline in your school. Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
Classroom rules are applied fairly to everyone.
Problems in this school are solved by students and staff.
The rules of the school are fair.
School rules are enforced consistently and fairly.
My teachers make it clear to me when I have misbehaved in class.
Discipline is fair.

Question Title

* 11. The next group of questions asks about your feelings of your school’s physical appearance.  Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
The school grounds are kept clean.
My school is neat and clean.
My school buildings are generally pleasant and well maintained.
My school is usually clean and tidy.

Question Title

* 12. The next group of questions asks about your feelings of your school’s social atmosphere. Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
I am happy with kinds of students who go to my school.
I am happy, in general, with the other students who go to my school.
In general, I get along well with the other students at my school

Question Title

* 13. The next group of questions asks about your feelings of your ability to participate in school activities. Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
Everyone at my school is treated the same.
At my school, the same students get chosen to help with special things.
At my school, some students have more privileges than others.
Students have the same opportunity to speak, and be listened to, in class.
Students can express their feelings and thoughts about school work and life.
Students who are ‘different’ in any way are treated with respect.
Nobody in my school is excluded from being successful.
Females and males are treated as equals at school.
I can participate in a lot of interesting activities at school.

Question Title

* 14. The next group of questions asks about your satisfaction with your schoolwork.   Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
I am happy about the number of tests I have.
I am happy about the amount of homework I have.

Question Title

* 15. The next group of questions asks about your feelings about your parent/s' involvement at school. Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
My parent/s talk with teachers about what is happening at home.
My parent/s are involved in school activities.
My parent/s are involved in discussions about what is taught at school.
My parent/s help contribute to how the school is run.
My parent/s care about how well I do at school.
My parent/s help me with my schoolwork if I need it.

Question Title

* 16. I have been truthful in my answers in this survey.

Question Title

* 17. Which of the terms below do you best like to use to describe your ethnic background?

Question Title

* 18. Gender

We know that students in Adventist Schools are from a whole range of backgrounds, some of whom have a faith or church background and some who do not. Do your best to answer the following questions about your school & faith as honestly as you can.

Question Title

* 19. Faith Tradition: Which option below best describes your faith background.

Question Title

* 20. Does your family attend church regularly?

Question Title

* 21. These questions are all about your personal attitudes towards faith.  Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
Prayer is an important part of my life.
I get sick of hearing about God all the time at school.
I have no interest in being a Christian.
I believe my life is better without God.
I don’t believe in prayer.

Question Title

* 22. These questions are all about your personal faith.  Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
I study my Bible outside of school time.
I feel comfortable to share what I know about God with other people.
I talk with my friends about God outside of class.
I usually feel sure about the things I know God wants me to do.

Question Title

* 23. These questions are all about things that might impact your faith.  Please select the appropriate responses.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
The student leaders in our school are a positive influence on my faith in God.
Our Bible classes at school strengthen my faith in God.
My teachers are happy for me to ask questions about God.
There are teachers who take a personal interest in my faith journey.
My school friends are a positive influence on my desire to know God better.
I enjoy the worship times at school.
The school gives plenty of opportunities for me to grow in my faith at school.
I believe that the faith journey of most of my teachers is real.
I wish we didn’t have Bible classes at school.
My friends are not interested in God.
The faith beliefs of my family are similar to those of this school.

Question Title

* 24. These questions are all about the interest of your parent/s in your faith engagement at school.

  (A) Strongly Agree (B) Agree (C) Neither (D) Disagree (E) Strongly Disagree
My parent/s are interested in what we learn from the Bible at school.
My parent/s like me studying the Bible.
My parent/s would like me to believe in God.
My parent/s would like me to get to know God better.
My parent/s are a positive influence on my faith journey.
My parent/s take a personal interest in my faith journey.
My parent/s are not interested in God.

Question Title

* 25. What parts of school life do you think do a good job in building your faith in God?

Question Title

* 26. What do you think the school could do differently in helping your faith in God grow?

Question Title

* 27. If your parents are from a faith background, what things do they do that help your faith in God to grow stronger?

Question Title

* 28. I have been honest in my answers in this survey.