Sexual Abuse and Molestation Prevention Webinar Survey - 2021 Toolkit

If you could not attend a live webinar, watch the recording of the SAM Prevention Toolkit webinar for Community Colleges and answer the following questions below to show you watched the webinar in full.

Question Title

* 1. Per RAINN, what percentage of all undergraduate and graduate students will experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence or incapacitation?

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* 2. When does the SAM Prevention Survey go live?

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* 3. Out of the 50 states, where does Oregon fall in regards to the number of registered sex offenders per capita?

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* 4. What percentage of PACE's SAM claims are staff-on-student?

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* 5. Who is the SAM Prevention Specialist with PACE? And what is the best email to contact her?

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* 6. To get the credit for your organization, please enter in your name, position and district/college/charter/ESD.

Thank you for watching this webinar, taking this quiz, and helping PACE prevent sexual abuse and molestation!